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Creating spreadsheet chart

Creates a custom chart filled with array-based values in the spreadsheet:

  • create a spreadsheet and fill top cells with data (ApiRange/SetValue);
  • create a chart using the data (ApiWorksheet/AddChart);
  • customize the chart (ApiChart/SetTitle,ApiChart/SetLegendPos);
const oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet()
const sHeaders = ["Year", "Revenue South dept", "Revenue West dept"]
const sData = [
["Q1 2022", "Q2 2022", "Q3 2022", "Q4 2022", "Q1 2023", "Q2 2023", "Q3 2023"],
["14512", "15502", "13897", "11110", "13906", "12023", "11274"],
["9201", "10338", "8937", "11680", "15516", "18095", "18251"],

let i = 0
for (const header of sHeaders) {
oWorksheet.GetRangeByNumber(i, 0).SetValue(header)
let j = 0
for (const data of sData[i]) {
oWorksheet.GetRangeByNumber(i, j + 1).SetValue(data)
j += 1
i += 1

const sheetName = oWorksheet.GetName()
const oChart = oWorksheet.AddChart(`'${sheetName}'!$A$1:$H$3`, true, "lineNormal", 1, 153 * 36_000, 50 * 36_000, 0, 0, 4, 0)
oChart.SetTitle("Financial Overview (in thousands of USD)", 10)